martes, 22 de mayo de 2007

" Near the windows of la virgen de toledo federation, next to the shrine for moddana, there is a jimi hendrix video game machine that spines out rock tunes every time you hit over a thousand"

I love hearing the story of the chicanos making it and putting there resturants together or publishing a book. because they work so hard not to live in total poverty keep everyone feed then after all that hard work they make it in the clear and have made a name for themselves.

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2007

Chile Verde

"This is Hispaopoly, your upwardly mobile life game that promises you to gain your true identity through the acquisition of someone else's property, usually lower than you - your live-in indian maid from latin america that's running away from genocide, for example. Stay tuned for more."

They are talking about the way of life as a hispanic what they go through in there last game show summary. So everyone is living a low life having to deal with dailey struggels. Genocide by the supremacy of whites against mionorites. How they if they were whight surviveing and making a name for themselves would be alot easier.

Chile Verde

"Esa burciaga, vato de la divina torica, vato escuadra reuga por nosotros.Etc..."

This is burciaga the, of the divine Torica, for us. Its this spanish combined with spanish slang that they make a message in their poetry. its so ignorant simplistic writers wont understand the real message sort of like a code. Also still enjoying there on culture wich is as you read on what is being told.

Chile Verde

"My city sings for its return to my little womb house, my gypsy songs smuggled from chiapa de coroso, from el rastro in madrid, the alley is my neckalace, the boulevard is my guitar."

An reamerging theme is the heritage. La Locais proud of her heritage and all the way from the corners of her country she feels connected. The Boulevard is here guitar means its were things are so real and loud as in the amount of culture present and the feelings given off.

Chile Verde

"Somwthing dropped inside of her and grew above us. A tiny flame of sweetness and black. For years, in that wild shadow, she smoked and kissed a stray that crossed our window."

When someone dies it can have many effects their mom lost all desire of not living but playing lifes game. It lead her to stand in one spot and smoke starring at the other men passing by wishing she could reunite with her true love

Chile Verde

“I am that paper, I am those words now, that ink burns pyres in every cell.”

Herrera is a great writer and he does it so well he becomes deep about it and writing emotions twisted in which is what burns pyres in every cell means. The writing all connects to him the style and what its about although it needs translateing. maybe the spanish is used because hes proud of his heritage.

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2007

Book Comparison

Many people try and live outside of what is considered normal. Thoreau, Emerson, and Kerouac are three people who philosophized about this subject of living simply and taking a step back from modernism. The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac the romantic and Walden by Thoreau the realist have two similar ideas coming from two different places. Thoreau’s philosophy plays a bigger role in our world because he directly depicts how and where society has changed people.

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2007

Chile Verde

"do it on the road, red. Feed it on the branch, Beaulah. knead it to the bread, Bobo. etc..."

In more than just this segment ive noticed a style in their writing. The word that is right before the comma is a word with its first letter after. Maybe these words or names hold certain signifigance to the description.

Chile Verde

"the invisible skull on the desolate hills of every California town opens its jaws of arranged imprisonments and decapitations. But, who listens?

California is described as a land of oppertunity for mishap. Although it doesnt appear this way there are many things wrong with it. no one cares though about chicanos and minorites and what they go through.

martes, 15 de mayo de 2007

Chile Verde

"Man with briefcase - accent + big watch = Equal opportunity" (74)

It is being infered that all your really need to enter into the bussiness world is to have a suitcase no accent and a watch. The suitcase and watch show signs of sucess and with no accent people trust you more for some reason it makes them less sterotypical about a person of spanish decent taking their money.

Chile Verde

“La noche was all around me, expect for the tiny light da la tiendita.” (71)

i really enjoy their use of spanish to describe the setting which i beleive also helps describe feelings. I shows the reader their cultural identity of being a chicano or something else. The spanish they use really needs some kind of basic knowing for the language to get the full story.

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2007

Chile Verde

"What have we learned from our Capitalism? The decapitation of our joys? The desire for simulations of consciousness?" 43

Herrera is pondering why america is itself.Why that every thing is changed for capitalist government. that people are always in present. being concouis and in the moment takes back in our overall understanding of whats going on around us.

Chile Verde

"What are we renewing? From what to what? How long-suffering is the transition?" 32

Herreras deep and more thoughtful and less picy here. Its saying life after death and being reborn. when dead why would you want to have to be turned into something else and how long would this transition be. Herrera that renewal is a painful idea so why stand all that suffering for so long.

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2007

Chile Verde

“I worry about people who say, “Don’t worry, Baby.” (29)

Every body says dont worry when they are the ones we should be worrying for because it could be them next. People who worry for other people are worrying period and should be calmed down not to worry because it might be bad for their health.

Chile Verde

1. “yo’ bad boy lover pill-popin’ games
an’ most of all your fast talkin’ total whack
communicating genius girl self out the door!” (9)

I think is means that the guy is taking pills and the girl is also taking pills. The pills make them unaware of what they are doing and they do not use their brains as much. They do not know what is coming up next but they don’t care because they are too high to think about it.

martes, 8 de mayo de 2007

Emerson's Essays

The Dharma Bums
awwwwwww dude...
“But the house on Mango Street is not way they told it at all. It’s small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small you’d think they were holding their breath.”

he lives in a life of poverty. although his parents have been trying to find a way out and get nice house. Theyre still trying to find enough money to fit their family and others in. Were you live has become very important in this boys life because he doesnt like people commenting on it.

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2007

Mangos are good

"you live there? the way she said it made me feel like nothing"

The way we come off to people with our body language can very hurt full. Shes a nun and suposed to be comforting when he doesnt even have "proper" living conditions. Everyone wants the house were they can live with many bathrooms and bedrooms.


"One patient called lemonade 'square' because it pricked on his tongue as a square shape pricked on the touch of his hands"

Dillard is discussing a book she read written by a doctor who works with patients who have been blinded by cataracts. Dillard is affected by this book. At the end of the section, she says that her own vision was affected by what the author of the book wrote for weeks. the blind person is discribing lemonade as square because it is sour and pricks his taste buds like a corner would prick his hand. This could be because he has no vision and cannot relate a square in its context and beleives that tasting is just like touching.


"seeing is of course very much a matter of verbalization. Unless I call my atention to what passes before my eyes, I simply won't see it."

the author discusses the matter of seeing. She says that the natural act of looking at something, does not mean you can see it. Seeing something is really when someone uses everything they know and relates it to what they are looking at. In this way, someone can actually see nature instead of just looking at it. This quote represents a large theme in the story.

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2007


"but i don't see what the specailist sees, and so i cut myslef off, not only from the total picture, but from the various forms of happiness."

The reaserch of the man prior to this quote is collecting water droplets while the other two chill. So maybe hes done with his visualizations if he was such a man. This would destroy and end all happiness if he was'nt allowed to day dream.


"but if you cultivate at a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted in pennies, you have with your poverty bought lifetime of days. It is that simple. What you see is what you get."

The author is saying people are dissapointed with most things and are'nt happy. But if we don't take everything for granted and simple things that occur frequently happen every day make us happy then we will be happy every day. What you are getting is'nt going to change so be happy with it.